Friday, January 22, 2010

The B-Daddy Channel

Sorry about the lack of blogging on this site. What little time I have had has been devoted to The Liberator as I have started another on-line class, working on my Chief Information Officer certificate from National Defense University. This course has been the most interesting to date, discussing intuition, creativity and framing so far. Unfortunately, as fabulous as the political landscape has been of late, my professional life has been as frustrating as any time I can remember since taking this job. To the core of my being, I feel compelled to believe that my number one priority, yesterday, today and tomorrow is delivering the IT services needed by my customers. Yet, it seems as though everything but customer satisfaction is what is important to the executives for whom I work, until the day that I don't deliver, which happened to be Tuesday of this week. Then it is suddenly my number one again. So this weekend's music is meant to match my mood. It is also music that totally changed my view of what constituted rock. Here are the Talking Head with Life During Wartime.

1 comment:

  1. Now I know where you learned to dance. (does it run in our genes or do we both have an icepick in our ear when we have the music in us?)
